what we offer that sets us apart
An independent and unbiased perspective
There is an inherent conflict of interest when the investment advisor or family office also act as the trustee. Any time conflicts of interest are removed, clients are best served. Our “trustee only” approach provides an unbiased perspective which benefits you in three areas:
1. Our investment reviews and oversight are unbiased.
- We don’t sell products, manage assets, have preferred providers or legal affiliates.
- We provide a layer of independent expert review over the investment process of setting-up and managing trust assets.
2. We require a customized investment benchmark.
- Family offices and investment advisors provide clients a wide array of services, which varies by firm, and should match your needs. However, what should never vary is the need for a custom investment benchmark, including risk metrics for your trust. We ensure the correct benchmarks are first selected, and then implemented over the life of your trust, providing an ability to see and monitor performance over time.
- We always utilize a third party review of investment decisions in collaboration with the trust investment advisor which leads to the long-term financial health of the trust.
3. Unparalleled investment access.
- We work with over 100 different investment professionals and 75 different investment companies.
- Our strong understanding of portfolio management combined with our daily management of trust accounts alongside investment advisors across the industry allows us to corroborate investment recommendations and ensure prudence in investment management.
Exceptional teamwork
We always utilize third party investment companies and have spent over 30 years refining a seamless client interface with a collaborative team approach.
- There are no set rules; we are flexible and will customize a solution based upon your needs. Sometimes we take a leading role with our clients and have a very hands-on approach and manage the entire investment process for our client. Other times, the client drives the investment process, and we work directly with the investment advisor to ensure prudent trust management.
- This flexibility allows you to be our guide, and the result is added independence and efficiency without any additional meetings, reporting, or duplication of work.
Tailored Services
- For select clients, we provide periodic institutional performance reviews through Callan Associates, one of the world’s largest investment consulting firms.
- As an independent resource, we join your team in creating, collaborating and reviewing your wealth and legacy planning — from legal matters relating to your family’s trust and estate planning to tax efficiencies, wealth transfers, and charitable giving. You will be able to receive an independent assessment of any future trusts, insurance policies, and charitable giving strategies to better aid in your decision making.
- For over 35 years, we have focused on the management of complex assets. We acquire, hold and manage real estate portfolios, business interests, timber and farm operations, commodities and antique collections.
"Northwest Trustee & Management Services...have not only managed funds well, but have been involved with a few stressful family situations and were able to balance the needs of family members and the importance of the integrity of the trust."
Paul M. Larson
Attorney at Law
Larson Berg & Perkins PLLC
Yakima, WA