We have seen wealth change lives and communities, both for the better and for the worse. We are passionate about seeing the wealth of individuals and families improve lives and the world we all share. We provide unbiased, independent services to affluent families and this frequently results in discussions, guidance and implementation of charitable planning. We act as administrators of private family foundations and trustee of charitable trusts.  


Charitable service offerings

  • Pre-gift planning including working with your attorney regarding administrative provisions for that attorney’s considerations for the legal documents
  • Working with families to create and maintain vision, mission, and core values of charitable giving, including involving second and third generations as requested
  • Meetings with the client regarding policies, procedures and administrative provisions regarding the operations of a private family foundation or charitable remainder trust
  • Creation of all accountings according to the applicable Principal and Income Accounting Act
  • As a non-custodial trustee, we will utilize the investment advisor of the client and:
    • Create a detailed investment policy statement
    • Monitor performance on a regular basis for the holdings in relation to the investment policy statement as well as peer group comparisons
    • Meet on a regular basis with client and investment advisor


Private family foundation services

We act as the Administrator of private family foundations, and our services include:

  • Assist with the creation of policies and procedures for the foundation
  • Make disbursements pursuant to the directions from the Board of Directors or Foundation Manager
  • Arrange and attend (as requested) at least annual Board of Director meetings
  • Completion of tax return (990)
  • Assist with evaluation of grants or requests for funds
  • Assist with due diligence regarding the charity’s utilization of funds
  • Assist with proper archiving of information (to satisfy IRS requirements)


Charitable remainder trust services

  • Timely payments via ACH to income beneficiaries
  • K-1 statements to income beneficiaries
  • Completion of 5227 tax return on an annual basis
  • Consultation services regarding the valuation process of the initial contribution (working closely with the certified appraiser)
  • After the life or term of trust, distribution to the charity (which may be the private family foundation)

“I appreciate their sincerity — they did everything they said they would do. As business issues arose, they took care of them immediately to my satisfaction, and I know that they will continue to do so for my family in the future.

Edgar Bassford, Client