helping families through Special Needs Trusts


When a loved one qualifies (or may qualify in the future) for government assistance due to a physical or mental disability, setting up a Special Needs Trust may be the right solution. Whether this trust is set-up now or created after the grantor’s lifetime in an estate plan, Northwest Trustee & Management Services is here to help guide clients through the process with their attorney. With a department dedicated to serving beneficiaries of Special Needs Trusts, Northwest Trustee & Management Services is trusted to provide hands-on, personalized care to each beneficiary.


Why are trusts created?

Special needs trusts are created for various reasons. However, the main purpose is to protect government benefits received by the beneficiary. The assets of a special needs trust are not counted by the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) as eligible resources available to the beneficiary and therefore the beneficiary may receive state aid.

This state aid usually includes payment for room, board, caregiving services and medication. A special needs trust pays for extra supplemental needs above those items which could include education, travel, or a supplement to caregiver wages. The trustee has to be very careful to coordinate trust payouts with the state regulations, otherwise there is a risk the beneficiary could lose state support. We work closely with family members, the medical community, state services and the court system (if needed) to ensure the beneficiary obtains all state or federal benefits to which he or she is entitled.


What we do as trustee of your special needs trust

  • We will meet with you and learn about the situation of your family or those under your care.
  • If there is a Guardian of the Person who is not a family member, we will meet with him or her to understand the physical and/or mental situation of the beneficiary.
  • We will engage with your attorney and with an investment advisor to manage the
    funds to meet the needs of the beneficiary’s specific situation.
  • We will maximize state benefits.
  • We will work with the family or Guardian of the Person to create an environment
    in which the beneficiary is not only safe but will allow him or her to thrive.
  • We will continue this relationship throughout the lifetime of the beneficiary— adjusting to changes in the their health and adapting to life’s circumstances.
  • In some instances, when needed, we will hire a care manager and/or a care giver to assist with the every day needs and care of the beneficiary.

"Northwest Trustee & Management Services...have not only managed funds well, but have been involved with a few stressful family situations and were able to balance the needs of family members and the importance of the integrity of the trust."

Paul M. Larson
Attorney at Law
Larson Berg & Perkins PLLC
Yakima, WA